Proven in national large-scale educational assessment
Concerto has supported some of the world’s leading educational institutions and testing authorities to deliver online adaptive testing at scale. The Board of Studies, Teaching and Educational Standards NSW Australia has used Concerto for numeracy and literacy assessment in 16-18 year olds since 2013, and is also trialling further applications for younger age groups. Similarly, Eton College has in partnership with the Psychometrics Centre deployed bespoke tests for numerical, verbal and perceptual reasoning for hundreds of 10 year-olds per year.
Adaptivity increases accuracy while limiting item exposure
Computer-adaptive testing (CAT) is the state of the art in psychometric assessment, making it possible for tests to be significantly shorter than traditional measures with higher accuracies and superior informational properties. Concerto lets developers administer adaptive tests with large and diverse item banks, such that students only see the questions that best measure their specific profile and abilities. This helps limit the possibilities for memorisation and copying, as well as making the test more relevant and engaging for the student.
Powerful algorithms for cheating detection
To maintain the highest standards of psychometric reliability and validity, Concerto is fully integrated with an extensive library of psychometric assessment and analysis tools using the R statistical computing environment. Computer-adaptive testing (CAT) can intelligently select the best item for students within Concerto assessments, thus enabling supremely individually tailored, efficient and accurate measurement3.
Sophisticated feedback report generation
Concerto combines an R-based statistical engine with MySQL data storage and an HTML wrapper for presentation of items and feedback. This allows for 100% customisability of every module in the platform, from the way results are calculated to the format in which they appear on the page for any given user. In both static and adaptive tests, Concerto empowers developers to provide instant feedback and integrate with CSS, Javascript and external data visualisation libraries to great effect.
Optimised for multimedia learning
Concerto supports images, videos, animation and other multimedia tools to help test developers create engaging and interactive learning environments for their students. Create virtual classrooms, psychometric games and can be integrated with a range of teaching and learning tools designed to enrich the student’s experience of any assessment.
Secure API integration with existing student tracking systems
Concerto includes an API service that allows the platform to securely communicate with other systems in use by the institution. Updating scorecards, monitoring exam participation and other student tracking requirements can therefore be conveniently integrated with Concerto assessments.